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Nurition Coaching


What is Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching

Coaching is based around empowering you to take your health into your owns hands by using small changes within your current diet and lifestyle.


I work with you to establish achievable goals and steps to improve overall health and well-being based around your current lifestyle. As the program progresses you will notice these small changes become habit, and the overall change will be significant.


This is only achieved through small step by step actions. As a Nutrition and Lifestyle coach, I not only provide the expertise of nutritional knowledge, but also implement behavioural changes through health coaching techniques to create significant long lasting changes to your health and well-being. 


Think Different

Our bespoke program is simple, and focuses on 4 core areas 

Nutrition is everything, and the main area of focus here at SeeChange. After a full analyse of your current diet, we work with you to create a full personalised nutrition plan based around your lifestyle. We don't believe in cutting out foods, limiting choices or telling you what to do! We promote a varied diet and slowly educate you in how to properly balance your meals throughout the week and manage your diet effectively to ensure you are living the best life. No limits. 

Sometimes, our mind can be the biggest hurdle at preventing you from achieving your goals. We use small, incremental changes, dictated by you when creating your plan so you are not overwhelmed or put off by what we are implementing. We also focus on areas such as stress, anxiety and sleep to compliment your nutrition plan and improve your overall wellbeing and mental health. 

Get Active

We expect you've already got it sorted! But for us, exercise is a fundamental part of a healthy, balanced lifestyle and overall, supports all systems in the body, enhancing your nutrition. We aim to complement your current routine or sport whatever that may be and improve movement, and ways to be more active if needed. We can also create a training plan for you whatever your goal.


Change is hard, we get it. That's why we believe the cement of any good program all comes from not only the knowledge and expertise of your own personal coach, but just being your ally through the program. Your plan isn't just the consultations we spend together. We're always on hand to provide advice or support, or to simply just say good job! This is your plan at the end of the day, so it's up to you. We're just here to support, encourage and guide you to better health. 



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