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Dietary Analysis

Dietary Analysis

Dietary Analysis

Do you need reassurance that you're getting the right amount of nutrients* within your current diet, or that your energy intake is correct for you? 



Have a 3 day food diary of your current diet analysed by SeeChange Nutrition. We'll send you a full report, showing the areas where you are meeting guidelines, and any areas that need a bit more focus. We'll give you suggestions on nutrition and lifestyle action steps to help improve general health and give you a list of specific foods to improve the areas you are lacking in. 


£60 for 3-7 day diary analysis 






*based on standard dietary reference values within the UK

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How does it work?

We'll need a 3 day food and activity diary, don't worry we'll send you a template*. 

The diary will need to cover 3 consecutive days, one of which will need to be a weekend day and any activity you do during the week.  


The information you send us will be used to calculate your energy requirements. A full analysis will be done and a report will be created and sent back to you, showing your actual intake against recommended intake.


We will highlight any areas where you are meeting guidelines, and assess the areas you are not, giving recommendations on how to improve these using real food. 


A few Nutrition and Lifestyle action steps will also be suggested to support optimal health.


*We also use an app called LIBRO. Once we receive your information we will invite you to sign up. Here you can log all your food as you consume it which, comes straight through to us, no paper work required!    

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